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Amy Schrader

Amy Schrader

Amy Schrader holds a B.A. in Molecular & Cell Biology and English Literature from the University of California at Berkeley, and an M.A. in English Literature from Boston University. She earned her M.F.A. in poetry from the University of Washington. She was a semifinalist for the 2006 and 2007 “Discovery”/The Nation poetry contests, and a recipient of a 2008 GAP grant from Artist Trust.

Amy’s poems have been published most recently in The Monarch Review, Coconut Magazine, ILK, The Journal, and Willow Springs. She received a work/study scholarship from the Vermont Studio Center in 1999, and also completed a residency at Hedgebrook in 2003. She was co-editor for Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review from 2001-2003, and Poetry Editor and co-publisher of Cranky Literary Journal from 2005-2007. Her reviews and interviews appear in CutBank Reviews, Gently Read Literature, The International Examiner, Reading Local, and other publications.

The Situation & What Crosses It

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Poem from The Situation & What Crosses It

Sonnet for the Three of Cups

We’re in our cups & telling fish stories
that are, in fact, about our fish. Our fish
reveal our penchant for soliloquies:
a goldfish swims in a martini glass;

he grows & grows until he graduates
to bathtub. Full of gin, you say & raise
your glass. On & on the anecdotes
pour out. A fog of tonic, cabarets.

We drive ourselves to drink. I’d say like fish,
except that fish don’t swallow water. Gulps
are merely their red herring. Osmosis
the only way to plumb the depths or cross the Alps.

My friend, you are my kind, my tribe, a shot
of favorite whiskey, fishing net, my knot.