Poetry Book Release Reading

Sue Fagalde Lick
Carol R. Sunde

Thursday, June 13
6:30 P.M. Pacific Time

Live on Zoom

hosted by
Lana Hechtman Ayers

Sue Fagalde Lick
Dining Al Fresco with My Dog

Grief. Brave attitude. Small triumphs. “Dear dead departed husband, / your being dead and departed / is a major pain in the ass.” The widow senses her husband everywhere. Wears his shirts. Stacks the logs. Learns to change a spark plug. Sue Fagalde Lick may make you weep, make you smile. And then, of course, there’s the dog. This is a strong book.
   —Penelope Scambly Schott, author of On Dufur Hill

House Concert

Oh, I was good last night,
pounding that piano, singing like
Streisand or Joan Baez or...
Reba! I was all of them
there in my purple pajamas
zipping through my songbook,
changing keys, making up solos,
singing high, singing low,
imagining you listening.
Oh my God, I was good
once I took out my hearing aids.

Sue Fagalde Lick has long lived a life that doesn’t fit the mainstream script for women of her generation. Married twice, divorced once, widowed once, she never had children. At 44, she escaped life as a journalist in Silicon Valley with her late husband to live out their dreams on the Oregon coast. She earned her MFA in creative writing at Antioch University Los Angeles at 51 and has birthed more than a dozen books, including fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, while building a second career as a musician. While others her age devote their days to grandchildren and volunteer work, she writes, teaches, talks, walks, and sings her own song. Her poems have appeared recently in numerous literary magazines and the anthologies From Pandemic to Protest, Opening the Gate , and Into the Azorean Sea. She has published three chapbooks: Gravel Road Ahead, The Widow at the Piano, and Blue Chip Stamp Guitar. Her prose books include Stories Grandma Never Told: Portuguese Women in California, Azorean Dreams, Childless by Marriage, the novels Up Beaver Creek and Seal Rock Sound, and the forthcoming memoir No Way Out of This: Loving a Partner with Alzheimer’s. When not writing, she leads an alternate life as a Catholic music minister.

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Carol R. Sunde
Through Pine Shadows

In word play and word music, in narratives and lyrics, formal and free verse, Carol R. Sunde shares real and imaginary experiences and observations. She muses about stumbling and dancing through a life full of lessons, losses, gains; times of exaltation, despair, and in-betweens accompanied by peace or boredom, or many tears or much laughter—an ordinary life as unique as each person’s existence.


When champagne is needed, I suggest cod liver oil.
In a string quartet, I am a gate-crashing tuba.

When others smile, I often smirk.
In a bowlful of sweet plums, I am a fiery radish.

Among nasturtiums, I am a thistle.
Yet some few do appreciate me—

certain goats and sheep in spring,
songbirds when I have gone to seed—

From her beginning, Carol R. Sunde loved words and poetry. She delighted in her mother’s dramatic renditions of nursery rhymes and poems such as “Up the Airy Mountain.” Raised in Forest City, a small Iowa town, Carol attended St. Olaf College. After graduating with a degree in English and Speech Education, she toured the US for over a year with the Bishop’s Company, a drama-in-the-church repertory organization. After her marriage to a fellow actor ended, Carol later found employment as a social worker in Los Angeles, eventually earning a Masters and a Doctorate in Social Work. When she retired from a Grays Harbor College counselor position, she plunged into a lifelong interest in poetry by completing a Certificate in Poetry from the University of Washington. Her poems have appeared in Third Wednesday, The Comstock Review, Passager, Raven Chronicles, Shark Reef , and elsewhere. Besides poetry, other top joys for Carol include yoga, bird and sky watching, travel, and camping on Mt. Rainier. Carol lives a seven-minute walk from the ocean in Westport, Washington. She feels lucky and privileged to be in the Pacific Northwest with its awesome people, forests, mountains, rivers, ocean, plains, volcanos, deserts, and, yes, rain. Through Pine Shadows is her debut full-length collection of poems.

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